With New Graduates Entering the Workforce, Don’t Forget About Gen Z!

As a real estate broker, it is vital that you always keep your eyes forward in order to continuously attract new up-and-coming talent. In the last few years, much of the conversation around recruitment has been focused on Millennials because of their unique characteristics and the fact that they are currently the largest generation. However, Generation Z is entering the workforce right on their heels. Generation Z is those born in the mid-nineties through 2015, and are now between the ages of 6 and 24. As a savvy, forward-looking broker, you need to understand what makes them tick and what role they can play in your brokerage, too.
What Gen Z Agents Will Bring To Your Brokerage
The generation following Millennials has its own list of unique traits and it’s a good idea to understand them, especially as you may find more and more of them joining the ranks of the working class and becoming members of your brokerage team:
- They’re Very, Very Tech-Savvy
If you think that Millennials know all there is to know about technology, watch out because this generation is even more immersed. While Millennials grew up during the emergence and development of the internet and social media, this generation was born with it. Obviously, there is no replacement for valuable one-on-one interactions and relationship development. However, it is still important to have tech-savvy skills that will empower your marketing, brand, and ability to stay in touch in an efficient and cost-effective way. If you are feeling lost with the newest elements of technology and social media portals, any Gen Z’s you hire are sure to be able to help navigate.
- They’re Pumped Up
Not enough can be said for the value of an agent that brings energy and enthusiasm to the table. Those two assets are particularly strong within Generation Z. As their broker, you can expect them to be eager to learn from and listen to you, which helps compensate for their lack of experience. Look at these agents as being more pliable and willing to adopt your approach to real estate selling, while bringing new knowledge and ideas to you and your team, which will position you well for continued growth.
- They Mesh Well with Millennials
As you already know, Millennials now make up the largest population of buyers, sellers, tenants, and even workforce. Therefore, it’s important to build a team that can bond with, relate to, and ultimately attract, Millennials. Generation Z grew up in a very similar way to Millennials, so they have a deeper understanding of how they think, what they want, what they hate, and how they communicate.
What Will Attract Gen Z Agents To Your Brokerage?
It is one thing to understand the value Generation Z agents can bring to your brokerage, it is something else entirely to know what your brokerage needs to offer to attract them. Here are some tips from the experts at Weichert on how it is done.
Education And Resources
Since they will be the least experienced generation, they will be eager to learn from you. They see education as a way for them to move up in their career and the world. The more tools, resources, and education you can supply them with to shorten their learning curve, the more they will value you. Incidentally, one of the great things about partnering with a brand like Weichert is tools, training and systems available to you on Day 1 of your affiliation. No need to grow your own; between our incredible brokerage/agent technology platform and our coaching, training and online university, brokers and their Gen Z agents will feel supported like never before.
Balance Between Freedom & Stability
Since they are new to their professional career, Gen Z will find comfort in a broker that provides them with support and stability. However, unlike Millennials that love a lively office environment, this generation appreciates even more flexibility and freedom. If you’re willing to let them work where and when they want, while being present as needed, they will be far more productive and loyal. Virtual meeting options and check-ins will go a long way with this group.
Income Potential
Unfortunately, student loans and various other debts plague Gen Z, so income is important. Being able to work with them on a business plan where they have a clear vision of what their production goals are to meet their needed level of income will eliminate surprises later. Being clear on the activities required to meet those goals will also give them direction and reassurance that they will be successful. One of the great things about a career in real estate is that it is a career with unlimited income potential. They can earn as much as the work and dedication they put in.
Grow a Brokerage for all Generations
A great philosopher once said, “change is the essential nature of all things”. Brokers who embrace change and welcome the energy and values of each new generation will thrive. It’s exactly the kind of thing Weichert can help provide guidance on to franchisees. Creating a positive culture in your brokerage that promotes honesty, transparency, and teamwork is exactly how you will grow your business and appeal to generations of all kinds. Specifically for Gen Z, Weichert offers an abundance of resources and training opportunities and a business planning tool to help them design their income goals and a plan for achieving them, plus we coach our offices on the use of virtual tools, provide them with sales meeting content and more. For more information on how to build a culture that’s a recruiting magnet, as well as get best practices and marketing tools to attract new agents, visit us at http://weichertfranchise.com.
This blog is originally posted here - https://www.weichertfranchise.com/blog/with-new-graduates-entering-the-workforce-dont-forget-about-gen-z/